Friday, January 20, 2006

Happy weekend

Ah, the was such a long, long time coming huh!? (sorry, eh?!) It's just gone 9pm, and I am sat in my bedroom blogging to you all. I have some gorgeous music on (Yaz - Only You, it's an Office classic, and now a bit of Oasis [Don't Go Away or Little By Little - get downloading Kuya], in tribute to the Motherland!) I am so glad to be clad in my joggy bottoms, taking it easy. Mr. H is playing Sony NHL 2006 in anticipation for tomorrow's Bruins game (fingers crossed huh!?) and I am playing online, checking a few me-mails and my trusty blogs - for which I now have 2!!!

Happy weekend guys - love you all heaps, thanks for everything and I really hope to have a proper catch-up with you all when I am more familiar with the new job!!! Until then, I am going to continue charging about and talking to myself!! Check out Hits though - as those graphics are mine!!!!

Bye for now - and promise no smacked faces on Monday!!!! Happy weekend OAC family!

K xx

3 fo'shizzle remarks:

At 7:17 p.m., Blogger KUYAZ said...

hey ate k... what's up with the font sizes??? lol
a little too much cream maybe...

At 8:20 p.m., Blogger KUYAZ said...

never mind the font comment - i have no idea why PCs and MACs can't just be friends.

At 4:02 p.m., Blogger Kate From England said...

I don't know what I did!!!!!!!! Sorry...never trust me!!!


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