my greek neighbours
had i known my driveway this morning was covered by a sheet of ice i would've laced my skates up and skated towards my car.
as i approached maria to warm her up and clean the snow off her i took a wipeout and spilled coffee all over my jacket, jeans, and hands. luckily greek goddess 2 was not outside to witness this act of embarrassment.
so, as we continue from ik's post about neighbours, there are 2 i'd like to mention in my hood.
greek goddess 1
greek goddess 2
gg-1 actually lives about 5 minutes away on the other side of the block but every time i ran into her in the summer as v and i strolled along she would greet us with a hello and a smile. she is hot.
gg-2 lives right across from me. not as hot as gg-1 but not too far off.

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