In one week exactly, I will have my own place. I will experience the utter joy of living completely alone (with my cat, and maybe a rat). Here's what I look forward to NOT having to deal with, while living completely on my own...
-Front desk security who continue to badger and interrogate my boyfriend, asking for every piece of ID he has, even though he has visited me 3 times a week for the past 2 years
-The whole of Toronto's prostitute population hanging around outside my building
-The whole of Toronto's "John" population hanging around outside my building (see above)
-Spoiled rich kids whose parents have paid for their tuition, their rent and EVERYTHING they own, therefore having a lack of respect for anything else around them (and wearing ALL pink, ALL the time)
-Laundry room wars, having to slip my clothes into a dryer as an unsuspecting rich kid has his/her back turned, and then having to put up with the look that I've just shot their dog. Too bad, as long as I'm around, you will not have everything given to you without effort.
-Elevators. Come on people, floor 2? Even I'M not that lazy.
-Barf in the elevator (ok, that MAY have been from one of my friends)
-The sounds of Hillary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, and God knows what other demonic creations that I hear from the apartment next door at 8 in the morning.
-Mr. Construction above me, who finds it absolutely necessary to plant holes in his walls at 1:30 am, every other night.
-Ms. Giggles (see point above Mr. Construction) whose laugh is similar to that of a choking hyena
-The maintenance man who demands that you smile everytime you encounter him, only to complain about how shitty his job as a plumber at the building is
-Soaking-in-blood clothing articles left in the tub from my roommate, who doesn't get her period every month, instead bleeds for 3 months straight, and doesn't get it for another 3 months.
-Avoiding the kitchen whenever my roomate is in one of her chain smoking moods (She only smokes in our kitchen, it's too "gross" for her to smoke in her own room.)
-No more moldy dishes left for weeks by the above mentioned, which are usually washed in the end by me, promising myself that I would speak to her about it but never do.
-No more overheard conversations about how messy I am, even though I have cleaned the place 5 times before she has even cleaned it once, but if the place gets a little messy, and god forbid she has to clean, roommate status has changed to martyr status.
-No more delusional roommates (see above)
-No more rotting food left in the fridge since before I even moved in.
-No more of the same 2 (really bad) songs playing on a continual loop for 5 hours straight (I now know all the words to the song "Real Love" by Massarion or whatever the hell his name is)
-No more horrid electrical problems (lightbulbs burn out every 2 weeks like clockwork)
I could think of about a million more no mores, but I think I'll give it a rest.
Bottom line, I'm paying $300 more to get away from all of the above. I hope it's worth every penney.
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