Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Oscar nominations are out!!!

Check out this link for full details....oh, I am SO EXCITED!!!!!http://www.oscar.com/nominees/list.html

Monday, January 30, 2006

status at 9:37pm

alls good in the hood - more steps taken in the right direction. i'm exhausted.

good night.


The internet is for...

Well, see for yourself. Funny stuff.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

a tad tardy?

due to weekend events, i may be in a little late tomorrow. ik - i'll call you...


Losing Sunday to 24

I have finally managed to take a breather...I have been sat on my sofa since 12:30pm, and I am glued to the screen. 24, Season 3...I hate you! Why are you so damn entertaining!? We now have 2 episodes left, and have stopped for a pasta break. After much consideration, I now know the reason for my obsession...check out Mr. Tony Almeida!!

Worth watching for?? Me thinks so!

stay tuned...

... for one crazy story on salon tiago.


p.s. i love you all dream team!

Friday, January 27, 2006

My brain hurts

OK, I am really confused. I now have a pension, I think...did I tick the right box??!! I have life insurance, but no dependents. I can claim my benefits with Mr. H, but he is not technically my common-law partner. We can change our plans if we get married, but the powers above might question why we didn't 'declare' each other sooner...but he is still not my common-law partner, so really, there is nothing to declare in the 1st place.

Yep - those forms are as clear as mud.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

look ma... I can DJ!


congratulations to the lovely kate on landing her first FTJ and officially becoming a member of the dream team: the fo'shizzle glysomed green team!
we love you!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006


In one week exactly, I will have my own place. I will experience the utter joy of living completely alone (with my cat, and maybe a rat). Here's what I look forward to NOT having to deal with, while living completely on my own...

-Front desk security who continue to badger and interrogate my boyfriend, asking for every piece of ID he has, even though he has visited me 3 times a week for the past 2 years

-The whole of Toronto's prostitute population hanging around outside my building

-The whole of Toronto's "John" population hanging around outside my building (see above)

-Spoiled rich kids whose parents have paid for their tuition, their rent and EVERYTHING they own, therefore having a lack of respect for anything else around them (and wearing ALL pink, ALL the time)

-Laundry room wars, having to slip my clothes into a dryer as an unsuspecting rich kid has his/her back turned, and then having to put up with the look that I've just shot their dog. Too bad, as long as I'm around, you will not have everything given to you without effort.

-Elevators. Come on people, floor 2? Even I'M not that lazy.

-Barf in the elevator (ok, that MAY have been from one of my friends)

-The sounds of Hillary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, and God knows what other demonic creations that I hear from the apartment next door at 8 in the morning.

-Mr. Construction above me, who finds it absolutely necessary to plant holes in his walls at 1:30 am, every other night.

-Ms. Giggles (see point above Mr. Construction) whose laugh is similar to that of a choking hyena

-The maintenance man who demands that you smile everytime you encounter him, only to complain about how shitty his job as a plumber at the building is

-Soaking-in-blood clothing articles left in the tub from my roommate, who doesn't get her period every month, instead bleeds for 3 months straight, and doesn't get it for another 3 months.

-Avoiding the kitchen whenever my roomate is in one of her chain smoking moods (She only smokes in our kitchen, it's too "gross" for her to smoke in her own room.)

-No more moldy dishes left for weeks by the above mentioned, which are usually washed in the end by me, promising myself that I would speak to her about it but never do.

-No more overheard conversations about how messy I am, even though I have cleaned the place 5 times before she has even cleaned it once, but if the place gets a little messy, and god forbid she has to clean, roommate status has changed to martyr status.

-No more delusional roommates (see above)

-No more rotting food left in the fridge since before I even moved in.

-No more of the same 2 (really bad) songs playing on a continual loop for 5 hours straight (I now know all the words to the song "Real Love" by Massarion or whatever the hell his name is)

-No more horrid electrical problems (lightbulbs burn out every 2 weeks like clockwork)

I could think of about a million more no mores, but I think I'll give it a rest.
Bottom line, I'm paying $300 more to get away from all of the above. I hope it's worth every penney.

Wooooooooo, woooooooooo, woooooo...

I just blogged about this on longleggedkate, but I think it deserves a cut and paste...friggin' neighbours!
1:24am: Hummm, our bed was so cozy and warm when I woke up during the night. I rolled over to check the time and was so happy to realize that I still had another 7 hours or so in bed. I felt like I had been asleep for hours already. H was well and truly in the land of nod. Everything was very content.

1:25am: As I was awake, I decided that a glass of water was in order, so I carefully climbed over my sleeping man and headed to the kitchen. Once I had navigated my way around the dark and found the cold water tap, I carefully stepped over H and got back into bed. Hummm, 7 more hours...

1:29am: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, wooooooooooooooooooooo. Sorry, didn't you get that? That'll be woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooooooo. Oh yes, some friggin', tossing idiot had managed to set fire to their late night snack and the trusty fire alarm was happy to oblige. Now, I understand a warning, a few woooooooooooooooooooo's. But to keep it going? Seriously, we all know there is an alarm, but probably no fire. Just let me sleep. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. OK, don't then.

1:35am: Wooooooooooooooooooooo, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooo. And then silence. Ahhhh, I love you silence. Er, no. "This is your Concierge speaking. There is a fire alarm on the 1st floor". (No shit, really, fuck, I would have never known. "The fire department has been called. Please remain calm". I would love to remain calm, so calm in fact that I actually fall asleep, but you, Mr. Concierge, keep friggin' talking to me. Shush now will you. And then more silence. Ahhhh yes, the land of nod - I am on my way. Woooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooo, wooooooooooooooooooooo. I guess not then.

1:39am: More wooooooooooooooooooooooing. Apparently, the firemen are investigating. Yay - good for them. Talk to me more Mr. Concierge. Maybe try singing at me. Anything, just stop that wooooooooooooooooooooooooooing, and let me go back to sleep. Arrrghhh, but now my mind is wandering, thinking about every heavy and topical debate ever. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooooooo. That'll help won't it.

1:45am: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, wooooooooooooooooooooooo... You get the point.

1:51am: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...and then silence. Maybe this whole hideous wake-up call is now over. Sleep? Oh no, Mr. Concierge needs a final word: "The fire department have given us the all clear". Really? so, no fire then? Surprise me. At this point, I rolled over to whinge at H about the whole scenario, only to find him sleeping like a baby. How he did it I don't know...all I can say is lucky, lucky H.

my greek neighbours

had i known my driveway this morning was covered by a sheet of ice i would've laced my skates up and skated towards my car.

as i approached maria to warm her up and clean the snow off her i took a wipeout and spilled coffee all over my jacket, jeans, and hands. luckily greek goddess 2 was not outside to witness this act of embarrassment.

so, as we continue from ik's post about neighbours, there are 2 i'd like to mention in my hood.
greek goddess 1
greek goddess 2

gg-1 actually lives about 5 minutes away on the other side of the block but every time i ran into her in the summer as v and i strolled along she would greet us with a hello and a smile. she is hot.

gg-2 lives right across from me. not as hot as gg-1 but not too far off.

so there you have it. as i did my terrible impersonation of stewart from mad tv i quickly looked over in relief to find that gg-2 was not outside heating up her civic.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My catchphrase - revised

So, fo' shizzle is a little dated now...I'm changing it to Oh no you di-ernt (don't forget to shake that hand a-la street-ho).

This sounds great with a British street-ho accent: Oh no you di-ernt, oh you did, yah, hummm, bloody amazing, love it, god save the Queen, trousers, bollocks, she gets on my tits, John Lennon, chalk, cheese, Pete Tong, chuft, skinny strap vest, rah-rah-rah".

Monday, January 23, 2006

Cow pajamas

Cow pajamas cow pajamas, sleeping in my cow pajamas. Yes, I (badly) photoshopped myself with cow pajamas, only because they are the same ones I have, but I do not have a picture of myself with them on, so this is the closest I could come to. Cow pajamas... Ok, I should NOT drink a bottle of wine before bed. Have a good week evr'body!

4 words...

Put on some weight...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

quick note

hey green team!
hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! i'm off monday so we'll catch up on tuesday and tomorrow i'll keep intact using my glysomed cream.


Friday, January 20, 2006

Happy weekend

Ah, the weekend...it was such a long, long time coming huh!? (sorry, eh?!) It's just gone 9pm, and I am sat in my bedroom blogging to you all. I have some gorgeous music on (Yaz - Only You, it's an Office classic, and now a bit of Oasis [Don't Go Away or Little By Little - get downloading Kuya], in tribute to the Motherland!) I am so glad to be clad in my joggy bottoms, taking it easy. Mr. H is playing Sony NHL 2006 in anticipation for tomorrow's Bruins game (fingers crossed huh!?) and I am playing online, checking a few me-mails and my trusty blogs - for which I now have 2!!!

Happy weekend guys - love you all heaps, thanks for everything and I really hope to have a proper catch-up with you all when I am more familiar with the new job!!! Until then, I am going to continue charging about and talking to myself!! Check out Hits though - as those graphics are mine!!!!

Bye for now - and promise no smacked faces on Monday!!!! Happy weekend OAC family!

K xx

stacy keibler

who has been following dancing with the stars?
all i have to say is... hot.

her personality kicks serious ass which makes her that much hotter.

*note: it's on again tonight (results) and there's going to be a breakdancing performance!

The Beginning...

True creativity often starts where language ends.
— Arthur Koestler (1905 - 1983) Hungarian-English novelist, essayist
The Act of Creation, 1964.